Taking that leap of faith!
Actually, the Bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith! Therefore, faith is something we should operate in. The problem is: how or what we choose to base our faith on. One of my friends back in school was always quick to leap. His big issue was that it was almost always a leap of stupid! Reckless abandon is not faith.
Faith is acting upon the truth.
However, facts are not always the truth. We work hard at gathering facts to base our decisions upon but sometimes fail to search the truth. In order to discover the wisdom we need to actually make the right choices, we need more than facts can provide. We need a peace that surpasses our human understanding — something that is the truth and trustworthy at the deepest level even though we cannot see it physically at the moment!
Facts are not always the truth! That is a bold statement. Let me give you some examples: Someone may have told you, “You will never amount to anything!” That may have been a fact based on that person’s view of you at that moment in time. Was it the truth? No, it was not! Your bank statement may say in a very loud voice, “You’re Broke!” It may be a fact right now, but has it said that to you before? Then things happened, and some prayers were answered. Something turned around, and the truth is “Broke” is not permanent!
Truth trumps facts every time!
When truth and facts agree, it gives us the confidence to take that leap of faith. How then do we tune-in to the truth? I am glad you asked, because I do have the answer for you. Let me introduce you! His name is Jesus. John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 8:31-32 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The meaning of the word “know” is to be intimate with. The truth that you become intimate with, that is the truth that will set you free. Jesus is the truth. His word (The Bible) is like a tuning fork. It will tune you in to the truth that trumps facts!
The doctor said you have cancer! That may be a fact, but the truth says, “by His stripes you were healed.” The CPA may say you are in trouble! That may be a fact, but the Bible says, “Let the poor say I am rich. It also says, “My God shall supply all of my needs in Christ Jesus.”
Facts are subject to change, but the truth never changes!
You see, when you find the truth and believe it, it will trump facts all day long. Taking the leap of faith becomes a lifestyle of grace rather than a fearful risk! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Leap into the Word. Leap into the truth. He will set you free!
Fred Hughes
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