Monthly Archives: September 2017

Life Changing Moments

Life Changing Moments

Stop and think of the real monumental moments of your life. How did they change things for you? Some are good, some not so much, but none the less, life-changing. How did you handle those moments?

As I am writing this post, the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and another massive “category 5” storm named Irma is aimed at Florida and bearing down on our coast. Grim reminders of how from moment to moment life changes, tragedy or triumph changes come. One day, one decision, one life-changing moment after another, we must rise to a level of courage to continue on, in spite of what we have experienced or what lies ahead! I think that when life puts the squeeze on us, it is a revealing experience. It will expose our hearts and minds revealing the hero or villain hidden within us, our true character on display. Life-changing moments can help us see who we really are and what we need to improve or build upon.

Life-changing, metal-testing experiences are coming. Are you ready?

Some will be big but seem so small; others will seem so small but become bigger than life! Life seems to know exactly how to throw curve balls we are not ready for, so how do you cope? How do you prepare against road rage, cheating, needing to be right all the time, late all the time or lying about everything? These seem small until… they become a life-changing moment.

We all need a super-hero! We all hope we will be a super-hero when the occasion comes. In that moment, will the good or the bad be revealed?

Matthew 12:34b says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!

Would you really like to know what’s in your heart? Well, it is actually easy to know exactly what is in there. When life puts a little squeeze on you, just listen to what comes out. You can hear it in living color! If you are full of bitterness, envy, and strife, that is what comes out. If you are full of God’s Word, compassion, and love, that is what will come flowing out of your mouth.

Life puts the squeeze on us, and this is often when life-changing moments happen. What comes out of you? Remember what you say is what you sow. Your words are like seeds; they are ready to go out there and produce for you. What kind of harvest will they bring? I contend that sometimes we fail to recognize the real life-changing moments.

Moments of faith or frustration unleash our word seeds, and the harvest is planted.

When you were a child without a lawn of your own, it was fun to blow the dandelions and watch the seed pods flying in the air. One day you finally figured out what had been happening. Likewise, you need to understand that your words are like seed before you let them go. When you do, you become the one in charge of your life-changing moments. It can go a level above that when your word is the Word. When you speak the Word of God, and you are in agreement with Him, the Bible says that He is careful to perform His Word. The Word is more powerful seed than any other, and the caregiver is a cut above what you can do on your own. Talk about defining moments!

Load your heart and mind with the Word of God. When life pressures you, out will come seeds you want to see flying through the air and going out to start your next harvest! Life-Changing Moments. Even if you are standing in the midst of a mess, you decide how life will go from there!

Declare your destiny in the middle of the storm. Your words are filled with power.

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~

Feelings of Insignificance

Feelings of insignificance

by Fred Hughes

Life has a way of presenting things that can cause you to see yourself as insignificant. The vastness of the outdoors or the complexities of the business community can be inspirational or be overpowering. Our perspectives can change quickly, especially if we do not have a healthy view of who we are. Confidence in knowing our true purpose and how we fit into this giant-screen movie called life is essential to every human on earth.

You were made on purpose, for an important purpose, to fulfill a purpose created just for you by God! In other words you are special! On purpose!

Psalms 139:13-14 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knoweth very well.

It is vastly important for us to have a right view of ourselves. To see you as God sees you is more important than how your boss sees you, or how your friends see you. What voice or voices you are listening to is also huge! What is God saying vs. what are all the other voices out there saying?

John 10:4-5, 17-18, 27 Basically, in these verses Jesus tells us that His sheep, or followers, know and can hear His voice, and no other voice will they follow. His followers, believers, then and now recognize and know when God speaks. This is how you learn who you are in Christ. You listen to His Word (Bible) and to your heart (Holy Spirit) speaking to you. As you do this, all of the other voices you may hear seem out-of-tune in comparison. If you are a believer you just know what the truth sounds like, and it is always confirmed by the Bible. (example: The voice will not say, “Take advantage of an opportunity to steal from the company,” because the Bible says, “Do not steal.”) The two will never disagree! When the voice of the Lord and the Word of God agree, you can have great comfort in knowing you are on the right track! Feeling insignificant will not be an issue because you know that you have heard from the Creator of the universe. That moves you into boldness and bigness, not insignificance.

Hearing God’s voice and knowing God’s Word will destroy the fear of insignificance.

Feelings come and feelings go, but the truth stands steadfast. The Truth will always trump feelings, emotions, and even facts in your life. Trust the Truth and His voice. Facts may tell you that you have cancer in your body, but the Truth says, “By His stripes we (were/are) healed.” (Isaiah 53:5 & 1 Peter 2:24) Which will you choose to believe? God’s Word or your feelings of insignificance because of the doctor’s report. The voice of your employer may have said, “You’re fired!” The Bible says, “God is your provider.” Whose report will you believe? (Isaiah 53:1 & Romans 10:16) It is not about how you feel; it is all about what you believe.

From the very beginning, you were created to operate from faith, not feelings. The Bible says, “You are more than a conqueror!” (Romans 8:37)

If you are having feelings of insignificance, exchange them for conquering faith!

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~