Category Archives for "Photography"

How do you kickstart your day?

Yes, it is coffee in a big mug for me, too!

I know that not everyone likes coffee! If you are one of those people, we will pray for you! Most everyone has some morning ritual, or kick-starter activity, to get his/her day moving!

What is it for you? Is it healthy?

Consider this:
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

Spirit – Your relationship with God!
Time in the Word
Meditation & Reflection (Listening)
Thanksgiving and Praise

Soul – Personal Development and relationship with others. (Mind, Will & Emotions)
Reading or learning something worthwhile
Resting – Just being still and quiet for a moment
Time to think and plan
Time with others – family and/or friends – walking with a friend/breakfast with family

Body – Your Earth Suit! Take care of it, but rule over it!
Walk or exercise your body.
Rule over your body – set some parameters of discipline that are healthy.
Rest and Reward! Be nice to your body, it is a good friend!
Your body needs to work and produce, but do not forsake all of the above for work only!

Here is a thought! You can have a different kick-starter on different days! Spirit on M-W-F. Body & Soul on T-T-S! Make your day great with a great start!

Coffee anyone?

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Fred Hughes

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~


The pure joy of life is found in simplicity! As a professional photographer, I have studied under some great masters of imagery. Without exception, the true artist in almost every expressive medium will tell you that simplicity is their most powerful and trustworthy tool. As musicians, artists, photographers, writers, we all understand the value of simplicity. However, it is the most often overlooked element in the creative process.

The power of simplicity is that it overcomes confusion and wisely communicates clarity. ~ Fred Hughes ~

Simplicity is not just reducing something to the lowest possible existence. It is much more akin to highlighting or bringing contrast to what is important. Identify the intended subject of the image, description, sound or concept. Simplicity skillfully presents clarity. The only major challenge with simplicity is that it is often dismissed or overlooked because it is so simple!

Just because something is simple does not mean that it is not complex or profound.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Simple, but very profound with huge impact! A seven-year-old child can understand and receive the benefits of this powerful but simple Scripture. This 67-year-old is still amazed by the depth of its meaning.

Simplicity: it clears the clutter and reveals the main focus, so the true value can be seen.

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~

What is all the buzz about?


If you know me personally, you know that I am a big time want-to-be technology geek. Alas, I have to rely on four much younger and true geeks who are willing to put up with this old guy! Raymond, Dusty, Clint, and Ryan each help me keep my tech-itch scratched, poor guys! I love the buzz! I want to be in on everything that is happening.

Most people have one or two areas of interest they like to keep up with the latest buzz. What is it that draws you to the buzz? Technology, fashion, headline news, hot cars, cooking, stock prices, movies ….. what pushes your buzz button?

Five things to consider concerning your pursuit of the buzz:

1.) Is the buzz benefiting your life in some way? Entertainment can be a reason and benefit enough. It can also be a productivity thief. You have to weigh the cost and gain!

2.) Buzz almost always introduces something you do not have and is an enticement. How do you respond to the constant call to new acquisitions? The buzz can have a devastating effect on your finances and that can affect your relationships too!

3.) In many areas, the buzz can blind you to see things in a very biased way. Are you able to step away from it long enough to see from other vantage points or perspectives? What does it cost you to always follow the buzz: friends, family, money, time?

4.) Are you able to see trends and cycles in the buzz? Sometimes the opportunities are right there in the buzz! Can you successfully analyze and apply the information that you are gathering from the buzz that will assist you in making good choices?

5.) When do you need to be creating the buzz rather than listening to it? There comes a time where the buzz needs to be all about your leadership and directives. Most people are buzz consumers. Only a few people learn how to be buzz producers. These are the world changers.

The fish lays thousands of eggs at one time, the chicken lays only one or two, but she creates a lot of buzz about what she does! So, what kind of eggs did you have for breakfast this morning?

What is the buzz all about in your life? Surprisingly enough, it may be a healthy question to ask yourself.

Philippians 4 :6-8 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.”

Stand your buzz up next to Philippians 4:6-8. Measure it well and prosper, my friend!


Fred Hughes

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~

3 Basic Principals

Almost all business ventures have 3 basic components that cannot be ignored.

1. Identity

  • Who are you? If you do not know, you will have a hard time convincing anyone else. Branding is part of it…. not all of it!
  • What goods or services do you provide? Why are you providing them?
  • What quality level can be expected at what investment level?
  • What availability and timely deliverables or completion rates will be provided?
  • What do you give back to the community? Are you an asset to the public or simply a partaker?
  • Identity for your employees may be the single most important part of your success and future strength. Never under-estimate the power of unity with-in your company or organization.

2. People

  • Who is your Avatar, Tribe, Target Group? Whom are you trying to reach and serve? Who exactly is your audience, you need to know more than simple demographics.
  • Who are your team members, both in-house and resources?
  • Who are your supply and support affiliations and who are your second choices?
  • What are our people saying? (employee testimonials)
  • How are you helping people discover the value you are offering?

3. Integrity

  • How do you stand behind your products and services?
  • What makes you trustworthy?
  • Why should anyone do business with you more than once?
  • Do you have current, customer/client testimonials, and industry testimonials/awards?
  • How you honor people, community, and your industry reveals your intentionality and integrity.

If you regularly check on these three key elements, your business will have a much greater chance of succeeding. Success, especially in the world we live in today, is elusive, to say the least, but not impossible. These three business components are worthy of your attention and can be factors that affect your bottom line much more than branding, SEO, credit scores, marketing style, and funnel design. Sometimes you just have to get back to a little common sense, my friend!

Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding;

Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.

Fred Hughes, M. Photog.

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~





Sticky Notes In Your Head!

photo-Evan Kirby-SNote copy (Large)


It seems to me that certain images or memories are like sticky notes in my head. Something like an old car or brand of chewing gum can trigger thoughts from years gone by. (Some remind us of events we experienced or relationships we enjoyed along life’s way.) What is important now, and what was important at that point in time can be vastly different. But, still there they are sticky notes in your head! Those little sticky notes are not always bad or good. They are just there, and they remind us of something we once experienced. Our memories are like a series of photos and sticky notes that have been animated into a collection of short films that we can access on demand.

Luke 2:51-52 (When Jesus was a young 12-year-old boy an incident happened that caused Mary his mother to create a sticky note of the moment.) … but his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

What mother does not hide multitudes of snapshots and sticky notes of their children from birth upward. As Jesus was on the cross looking down, he saw his mother, and she was still “keeping all these things in her heart.” John 19:25-27…”Woman behold your son”. Jesus assigned John to care for his mother. Sticky note moments are hidden in the head and heart. Mary later saw her Son after he had risen, and after that, she was present in the upper room when the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Lots of sticky notes!

For 30 plus years I have been a professional photographer. I have created many photos for clients that captured moments in their lives and preserved them for later reflection. I carefully crafted visual sticky notes for my clients designed to assist their heads and hearts remember more clearly those special moments in times and events that were meaningful.

What kind of sticky notes are in your head?

Will you still be able to access them with clarity 20 years from now? Mary’s story is recorded in the Bible; someone wrote it down! My clients have photographs; someone hired me! Sticky notes have only one really bad characteristic: they fall off! The sticky with age gives way, and the note is often lost. Make sure you do something to keep those sticky notes hanging around as long as you can!

Just an old school photographer’s opinion, but I still think prints and albums are much greater than a hard drive that will fail and must be accessed before the images can be seen.

Fred Hughes, M. Photog.

Read this and other blog posts on our websites. ~

5 Directives that can reshape your life



We live life in a body. We have a soul (mind, will & emotions), and we are a spirit (God breathed His life, or Spirit into us).  My focus is on the will.  The will is the area perhaps least talked about, but just like the mind and emotions, it has much to do with how our lives and relationships operate.  What I will to do, or not to do, can carry me away as a captive, or propel me into wonderful places. God himself will not take my will from me.  He is the one who gave it to me to start with.  Therefore, it is my choice how to direct it.

Directive: A statement, or declaration, that provides direction for an action to be taken.

If my soul is being lead by the Spirit of God, then my mind, will, and emotions align with one another.

  • My Mind — I can have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5).
  • My Will —  By the Word of God I can know His will for me and can agree, or not agree with it!
  • My Emotions — The emotions will then follow the rejoicing, or the rebelling of my mind and will.

With this in mind, there are five directives that I personally choose (or will) to do.  Each of these brings unique benefits to my life.

1.)  I Will to ………. Love!  Love God and love others (1 John 4:8-17).  For those who do not love me, I will love them anyway!  Love never fails (1 Corinthians 15)!  I can and will count on love.

2.)  I Will to ……….. Be a giver, full of generosity and gracious at every opportunity.  John 3:16 says, “For God so Loved the world, that He GAVE …… Giving is simply Godly!

3.)  I Will to ……… Listen closely and learn.  Listen to God.  “My sheep know my voice,”  John 10:14, 27.  I will listen to the voice of God and be taught by men with wisdom.  I will not cease to learn good things.

4.)  I Will to ……….. Be joyful and live a happy, fruitful life, because I am blessed! I am a friend of God (James 2:23, John 15:15).  I am blessed going in and coming out.  I am going over and not under.  I am blessed and not cursed.  I am redeemed, bought with a price, and a child of God (Romans 8:14).  I have every reason to walk in Joy and Fruitfulness!

5.)  I Will to ……….. Speak only what is good and what I desire in my life.  I will not allow my words to be filled with anything but blessings, faith, goodness, joy, peace, and love.  I will speak the word of God, and He will empower His words coming from my mouth.  I have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:15).  I am His Ambassador in this earth.  “As he is, so are we, in this world,” 1 John 4:17.

Direct your will, just as you direct your mind and your emotions. You are given a soul to rule over.  Designed directives will help you transform your life.