Almost all business ventures have 3 basic components that cannot be ignored.
1. Identity
- Who are you? If you do not know, you will have a hard time convincing anyone else. Branding is part of it…. not all of it!
- What goods or services do you provide? Why are you providing them?
- What quality level can be expected at what investment level?
- What availability and timely deliverables or completion rates will be provided?
- What do you give back to the community? Are you an asset to the public or simply a partaker?
- Identity for your employees may be the single most important part of your success and future strength. Never under-estimate the power of unity with-in your company or organization.
2. People
- Who is your Avatar, Tribe, Target Group? Whom are you trying to reach and serve? Who exactly is your audience, you need to know more than simple demographics.
- Who are your team members, both in-house and resources?
- Who are your supply and support affiliations and who are your second choices?
- What are our people saying? (employee testimonials)
- How are you helping people discover the value you are offering?
3. Integrity
- How do you stand behind your products and services?
- What makes you trustworthy?
- Why should anyone do business with you more than once?
- Do you have current, customer/client testimonials, and industry testimonials/awards?
- How you honor people, community, and your industry reveals your intentionality and integrity.
If you regularly check on these three key elements, your business will have a much greater chance of succeeding. Success, especially in the world we live in today, is elusive, to say the least, but not impossible. These three business components are worthy of your attention and can be factors that affect your bottom line much more than branding, SEO, credit scores, marketing style, and funnel design. Sometimes you just have to get back to a little common sense, my friend!
Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding;
Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
Fred Hughes, M. Photog.
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