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Killing Grumpy

Grumpy is no one you want around

Grumpy is manifestation of our old selfish nature. Keeping him around is like having a rattlesnake for a pet.

Good morning, Grumpy,

This post is for everyone out there who wakes up wearing Grumpy.
Grumpy will run everyone in your life away from you eventually… people who love you may put up with Grumpy for years. Leaders and colleagues not long at all.
Grumpy is all about self.
Grumpy is rude to others.
Grumpy is a really bad habit.

Sometimes you just need a minute to wake up and get that first cup of coffee down… I totally understand, but that’s no excuse for being rude.
A smile (a real one) and a gentle response… “Ok, but first I need to have a few minutes to collect a few thoughts,” or “that is important but could you give me about ten minutes before we tackle that.”
Grumpy is a native attribute of the old man or nature, selfish in every way.
He is quickly overwhelmed by gratitude, thanksgivings or happy.
The only way Grumpy can hangout is if you want him there.
Just remember he will cost you later. Grumpy is a wall builder, a boundary maker, he brings his friends, strife and offended along to help
Grumpy feeds off of fatigue, strife, confusion and offense.

Grumpy can always justify his bad behavior.

“Choose ye this day life or death, blessings or curses” Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Yes, Grumpy is a choice but he is someone no one wants except you. Consider Killing Grumpy before he kills relationships you value.
You can only deal with your grumpy. You cannot fix someone else’s grumpy.
Young’s Literal Translation …Luke 6:45
“The good man out of the good treasure of his heart doth bring forth that which is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart doth bring forth that which is evil; for out of the abounding of the heart doth his mouth speak.”
Grumpy is a heart and mouth connection. Listen to what is coming out of your mouth, if it sounds like grumpy, he is in your heart.

Fred Hughes – 10/15/2018

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5 Directives that can reshape your life



We live life in a body. We have a soul (mind, will & emotions), and we are a spirit (God breathed His life, or Spirit into us).  My focus is on the will.  The will is the area perhaps least talked about, but just like the mind and emotions, it has much to do with how our lives and relationships operate.  What I will to do, or not to do, can carry me away as a captive, or propel me into wonderful places. God himself will not take my will from me.  He is the one who gave it to me to start with.  Therefore, it is my choice how to direct it.

Directive: A statement, or declaration, that provides direction for an action to be taken.

If my soul is being lead by the Spirit of God, then my mind, will, and emotions align with one another.

  • My Mind — I can have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5).
  • My Will —  By the Word of God I can know His will for me and can agree, or not agree with it!
  • My Emotions — The emotions will then follow the rejoicing, or the rebelling of my mind and will.

With this in mind, there are five directives that I personally choose (or will) to do.  Each of these brings unique benefits to my life.

1.)  I Will to ………. Love!  Love God and love others (1 John 4:8-17).  For those who do not love me, I will love them anyway!  Love never fails (1 Corinthians 15)!  I can and will count on love.

2.)  I Will to ……….. Be a giver, full of generosity and gracious at every opportunity.  John 3:16 says, “For God so Loved the world, that He GAVE …… Giving is simply Godly!

3.)  I Will to ……… Listen closely and learn.  Listen to God.  “My sheep know my voice,”  John 10:14, 27.  I will listen to the voice of God and be taught by men with wisdom.  I will not cease to learn good things.

4.)  I Will to ……….. Be joyful and live a happy, fruitful life, because I am blessed! I am a friend of God (James 2:23, John 15:15).  I am blessed going in and coming out.  I am going over and not under.  I am blessed and not cursed.  I am redeemed, bought with a price, and a child of God (Romans 8:14).  I have every reason to walk in Joy and Fruitfulness!

5.)  I Will to ……….. Speak only what is good and what I desire in my life.  I will not allow my words to be filled with anything but blessings, faith, goodness, joy, peace, and love.  I will speak the word of God, and He will empower His words coming from my mouth.  I have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:15).  I am His Ambassador in this earth.  “As he is, so are we, in this world,” 1 John 4:17.

Direct your will, just as you direct your mind and your emotions. You are given a soul to rule over.  Designed directives will help you transform your life.