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Good Morning!

Good Morning!

There is a brand new day out there that has never been used! A new day is just waiting for you to get out there and do something great with it!

A new day means a new start, a clean slate, yesterday is done! Today is fresh and new! Never start your new day with the busted up pieces of yesterday! God’s mercies are new every morning! A good idea is to start by praising and thanking God for His beautiful gift! Declare, “This is the day that the Lord has made. I will be glad in it!” Now just keep on making it known that you and God plan on making good use of the awesome opportunity of today!

Never start your new day with the busted up pieces of yesterday!

Too many folks miss today by living in the past, or consumed with the future. Today is when everything happens! Today is the day. Now is the time. Live today. Living the now is what makes you successful and not wasteful of the precious day you have right now! Sure you can learn from your yesterdays, and you can plan for your tomorrows, but it will take up some valuable space in your today, so use it wisely! The secret to a great new year, or life, is simply living life in Christ everyday! When you start your day with God, the walk goes the way it should and accomplishes what is good. You will still encounter life along the way. Defeats, disappointments, disapprovals, rejection, shame, sorrows, setbacks all pop up from time to time. You see, that is why you want to start each day reminding yourself who you are in Christ. The truth is: He is the helper that walks with you, the Spirit of Christ, or Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the One who never leaves you or forsakes you! That is why I walk with Him. He is the answer to all those forces that want to oppose me in my great day! In Him I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and full of power to do great things in His name.

Good Morning! God is crazy about you!

A new day in Him offers great experiences and expectations as we walk together. Today becomes more productive, because I learn to cast those cares on Him, because He cares for me (and takes care of me). Today as I walk with Him, we may preach the kingdom, heal the sick, cast out devils, even raise the dead, or we may just enjoy watching the kids play and hear the birds sing. When the day is done, I will thank Him for His gift and what we did with it. I will sleep well, get up, and start yet another exciting new day!

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